• Wulguru State School logo

    Wulguru State School

    Wulguru State School has a student population of approximately 240 students. As the new principal at Wulguru State School for 2023, I initiated breakfast club 2 days each week in response to our students seeking food prior to school. Often, these students would eat their lunch for breakfast, or simply go without. Within just a few weeks, not only did our students have full bellies, but the attendance on these 2 days showed significant improvement!

    Term 2 saw the introduction of breakfast club every morning, which has coincided with an overall improvement in school attendance. Having our students at school every day and meeting their basic needs, like providing breakfast, helps to ensure they are able to access and engage in the quality learning programs being offered in our classrooms.

    Our goals is to create an environment where our students feel safe, connected and cared for so that learning can happen. The support we received from Fuel for Schools is a significant and valuable investment in the learning and wellbeing of our students.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Jen McCaskill


    Wulguru State School

  • Kirwan State High School

    Kirwan State High School

    The Fuel for Schools, an amazing charity organisation that not only feeding our students, but offer student support and well being.

    Kirwan High are very lucky to have the support of the fuel for schools’ fantastic charity organisation.

    Throughout the region, Fuel for schools is focused on helping our students start their day right. They provide our local primary and secondary schools regular nutritional breakfast and lunch foods to assist with cognitive function and improve the wellbeing of many hungry kids. Even though all schools offer the food slightly differently our aim is the same, ensuring students who are hungry have an opportunity to at least one meal a day.

    Schools are offered supplies weekly and for the biggest school in Townsville of over 2000 students, Kirwan SHS. It was decided to allow all students the opportunity to a free breakfast or lunch without judgement or shame. With now over 100 students accessing food everyday it is definitely a must in our school environment.

    Kirwan opens a ‘Hub’ space close to the centre of the school every day where students can help themselves to breakfast foods and again during lunchtime make their own sandwich.

    The generosity of fuel for schools delivering groceries every week are a staple food source for many students who their families are doing it tough. Many students depend on these emergency breakfast and lunch times to ensure they are receiving at least one meal a day and fuelling their bodies.

    We offer the emergency lunch program to not only ensure students receive food but offer a safe space to stay and eat lunch with their peers. It ensures a time to talk with the various health and well being support staff who assist with the program and highlight students who may be struggling. These emergency food times have seen a great number of positive connections between students of all grades and staff. Often helping to decrease the common experience of shame and stigma normally cited by young people in the school, who access both food and well being support.

    Thank you Fuel for Schools, you defiantly help make a difference to our student’s lives!



  • North Queensland School Chaplaincy

    North Queensland School Chaplaincy

    On behalf of SU Chaplaincy in North Queensland, I thank you and those who help make the resourcing Fuel for Schools possible. Many of our school chaplains have been involved for many years in helping support their school communities through brekky programs but have been challenged by having the resources to help those children in need. This amazing resourcing and support not only gives food and support to our children and youth at brekky, it means our chaplains are not spending time chasing resources and have more time available during days at school to support young people in other meaningful ways.

    Dan Dubbeld

    Field Development Manager North Qld, SU Australia

  • Kirwan State School logo

    Kirwan State School logo

    Our school community value the support we receive from Fuel for Schools.

    Kirwan SS, supported by Fuel for Schools, delivers a breakfast program every Monday and Friday morning. 8 to 10 Loaves of bread pass through our school toasters each breakfast morning, serving up around 200 slices of toast. With one slice each, and possibly some selected kids having a couple, the Breaky program services around 150 students each morning.

    Our motivated Year 6 students willingly and skilfully butter the bread, add the jam, honey or vegemite and then serve to students. I am proud of our Year 6 group and how they sensibly and responsibly prepare and serve our younger students. Parents love this as well.

    Our kids line up respectfully, grab their toast and then sit down in the meet and greet area to talk with friends. It is a great start to the day. Monday and Friday mornings are pretty settled mornings at Kirwan SS.

    Ordering our supplies is seamless. One email per week and bread, jam, honey, butter and vegemite are delivered, that week. We can depend on Fuel for Schools.

    It is hard to quantify school improvement due to the breakfast program in numbers. I can say that our parents are totally supportive of the breakfast program and when I see the smiles on the kids faces as they are devouring their toast, you can see community satisfaction right there.

    Schools are complex places these days with limited budgets that are targeted to meet the learning, social, emotional and physical needs of our students. A hassle free breakfast program servicing over 150 students a morning directly contributes to strengthening our school community. Strangely enough, kids come a little earlier on Monday’s and Friday’s.

    Thank you, Fuel for Schools.

    Myself, our school staff and community appreciate and value your support.

    John Kratzmann


    Kirwan State School – Strive to Excel

  • Thank you!

    Thank you so much for your continued support with Breakfast Club.

    Just wanted to let you know that our teachers are starting to notice a difference in learning and

    Behaviour now that our students are starting their days with full bellies. As of today, over this term, our students have access this service 1,684 times – so thank you again for providing supplies to make this possible.

    I look forward to working with you again throughout the term.